Sunday, August 12, 2007

Hamfest score!

It's a flight simulator control panel. The yoke is mounted on a hydraulic rod, the slides on the right pull out, and although the gauges are fake, the buttons around them are not. The back has some mystery connectors, but I think it was meant for a PC. Time to hit Google for the answers.

Today's 'fest (Peotone, IL) was good to me, as it was the last time. Got the flight trainer, a box of Western Electric handset cords and wall jacks, all in plastic, some brand new Trimline bases and handsets in their Bell boxes, a grey(!) 2-line 2500 set, Bell 50a conference phone, a Dec VT330 terminal that came with 2m radio and FMJ packet box (all for $5!) and a few other $1 items here and there. The car is once again full (since I haven't emptied it from the TRS-80 pickup yesterday.)

I'm at least giving serious consideration to renting a storage unit. I said I'd never do it, because I wanted to draw the line at paying a monthly fee for my collecting habit, but I've got enough boxable stuff now (magazines, sofware, books, small hardware) that I could free up a good deal of space at home and get my house back again.

Wow, storage is expensive. Min. $150/mo for the kind of space I need? Ouch.

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